Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Who Needs Men When You Have iPods To Provide Similar Dilemmas

My iPod nano died the other day. It was working fine on the way to work - I was on the bus singing away to country music merrily - then when I tried to drown out the sounds of my co-workers arguing about the merits of soap versus vinegar as a personal cleansing agent (no, really), it just wouldn't turn on.

I pressed all the buttons many times, and plugged it in, then unplugged it, then plugged it in again, then gave it to my workmate (the one not embroiled in a vicious soap vs. vinegar argument) to fix, then talked to it nicely, then just gave up and threw it against a wall. Fuckit.

I grieved; iPnod (a special nickname I had for him) and I had been friends for almost four years. With his jaunty little blue jacket he had accompanied me around the world and back again several times. He'd been there when I needed to listen to The Used at high volume and sob without waking housemates. He had entertained me while I worked as a filing wench and while I sat on the tube for hours at a time. He'd cheered me up while I walked in the rain, and added an extra sparkle to the sun. He'd put up with my terrible taste in music, and my experimental phases. He'd even played solitaire with me. And now he was gone.

I wondered how I was ever going to move on from this terrib - oh wow look they just released iPod Touch 4!!

Okay, what can I say - I'm easily distracted and my grieving heart healed quickly. I did the math and decided that I could definitely not afford a new iPod Touch. So I went and bought one.

It's amazing! It does everything! I can Facebook, Skype and Tweet! I have a calendar and a notebook and TWO cameras! I have stocks, Youtube and Maps! I can watch videos, surf the internet and read books! Oh, and it's an mP3 player as well. Which is cool. (And no, apple did not sponsor this post)

Anyway, about a week after I'd bought it, I started hearing this weird noise in my room. Like, a beeping noise. Maybe what a lost electronic sheep would sound like. I went hunting, and found my iPod nano, in the drawer I'd tossed it in, blinking intermittently as if to say 'look! I'm alive! Let's be friends again!'

I was torn. My iPnod and I had had such good times together. But he'd left me broken hearted. And now that I had my new friend the iPod touch, all of a sudden he was back in my life? I felt like he didn't really want to be with me, but he definitely didn't want another iPod in my life. And my new iPod is amazing (as mentioned above), but the iPnod is just so...familiar. Our relationship is comfortable and full of good memories.

In the end I decided to stick with my new iPod. I just feel like he offers a lot more possibilities for the future, you know? But I still have iPnod sitting on my bedside table. I couldn't bear to actually get rid of him just yet. It's nice to have a backup.

On a side note, this EXACT same thing happened to my housemate, except the iPods were men.

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